Papua Arabica Coffee into Asia Market is Possible

The marketing Unit Chair, Jhon Yonathan Kwano says based on recent discussions and meetings with Fair Trade Hong Kong and some coffee houses in Hong Kong, thailand and Singapore, it is clear that the coffee market in Asia is wating for Papua Arabica Coffee to go into the market. Mr. Kwano says, "This is a reality, but another reality is that the Baliem Arabica Cooperative is not doing enough in order to purchase coffee and supply the coffee to the Marketing and Sales Unit in Yogyakarta." Mr. Karno continues,
This year of 2015 is the year of ASEAN Market Unification however, Papua is still left behind in many aspects, let alone coffee business. The vice-governor said recently that Papua is ready to integrate into ASEAN Single Market, but I would argue that this is not a reality. What he said is only a hope. A hope is not a reality. We want to see real actions in response to the current reality and progress. We do not want rhetoric, but reality, and real actions, based on real condition.
Mr Kwano continues that in many events we hear people mention the name "Kopi Wamena", or "Kopi Papua", but nobody knows who is actually professionally organising the farmers and educating them to produce coffee based on internationally practiced standards of coffee production. Jhon Kwano furthermore explains that there are local government who wants coffee business to go bankrupt, and consequently pushing policies that bring about great loss to the coffee farmers and the Baliem Arabica cooperative itself. Questioned on which local government, Mr. Kwano chose not to mention. Asked whether government should be responsible for the current coffee business situation in West Papua (Papua and Papua Barat Provinces of Indonesia), Jhon Kwano says, "It is enough, we have enough people blaming the government. THere is nobody to blame, no need to blame anyone. The overal situation in West Papua is that we are not yet ready, and nobody to blame for that matter of fact. What we need to do is acknowledge the reality, and work hard on that realisation in order to welcome current developments in all aspects of life. Asia is ready for Papua Coffee, and therefore, now is the time for Papuans and coffee business companies to focus on developing and managing the coffee business in West Papua.